Denise Drace-Brownell, J.D., M.PH. a global senior executive and corporate attorney, has accomplished several high profile deals and corporate growth initiatives.A principal in Colonial, she is also CEO of DDB Technology in New York City.She is known internationally among technology companies seeking to establish US bases of operation. With extensive corporate development, intellectual property, risk management and public affairs experience, she has a track record in solving complex business challenges.
Ms. Drace-Brownell has held CEO, VP Corporate Development and General Counsel positions for a number of technology organizations.Her clients have included J&J, Myriad Genetics, and Chevron.Earlier she was Practice President of the medical branding unit of the Interpublic Group and a corporate attorney in Akzo Nobel’s US M&A unit. She has served on numerous Boards of Directors.She is the special advisor to MIT in their NYC venture mentoring program outreach, has long been involved with climate change research at ColumbiaUniversity, and has served as counsel to governors and state governments in energy and waste management matters.
Denise Drace-Brownell has a B.S. from the University of Illinois; J.D. from RutgersUniversity with extended study at the University of Pennsylvania; MPH from ColumbiaUniversity (toxicology.)